It’s Still Your MutherFuckin Set – CT Fletcher

Ever Heard of CT Fletcher? No? Well I hadn’t heard of him either until about a year ago when all my gym head buddies started going around quoted some of CT Fletchers quotes and lines out of the YouTube video posted above. After watching this video it is clear you can see that CT Fletcher…
Where is God’s Perfection – The Story of Shaya

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Power of Intention Many years ago I read this very story in an email chain letter that was doing the rounds – I remember the first time that I read the story it was a real tear jerker, I had a big lump in my throat and walked away really appreciated the…
The Meaning of Life & Quantum Physics

Joe Rogan’s Meaning of Life In this 10 minute YouTube video we are entertained by the spoken words of the wonderfully thought provoking Joe Rogan who goes deep into trying to show how little we actually know about why we are living here on earth and further in the infinite universe. Oh yes ladies and…