Success “How Bad Do You Want It”?
Do you ever get the feeling you are losing focus on your main goals and desperately need a solid kick in the ASS to get you back on track.
Don’t feel bad since this happens to the best of us and from time to time we need a little “motivational firecracker” to kick us back into gear.
Well we have the medicine for your procrastination. It comes in the form of a couple of viral YouTube videos featuring Eric Thomas and Giavanni Ruffin.
We look at these videos entitled “How bad do you want it?” Part 1 & 2 which includes some incredibly powerful spoken dialogue by Eric Thomas a.k.a. Eric “The Hip Hop Preacher” and the video visuals look at a young man named Giavanni Ruffin who is a NFL Free Agent and now motivational speaker in his own right.
Below you can see the Video and Transcript from “How Bad Do You Want It – Part 1?”. It is an incredibly inspiring spoken word which you should revert to everything you feel a little disillusioned or lost with what you are doing in life and inspire you to overcome these feelings of self-doubt or lack of motivation.
How bad do you want it – Part 1?
Part 1 Speech – Video Transcript:
There was a young man, you know,
who wanted to make a lot of money
and so he went to this guru, right.
And he told the guru you know
I wanna be on the same level
you are and the guru said
if you wanna be on the same level I’m on,
I’ll met you tomorrow at the beach.So the young man got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n’ roll.
Got on a suit should of wore shorts.
The old man grabs his hand and said:
How bad do you wanna be successful?
He said: “Real bad”.
He said: Walk on out in the water.
So he walks out into the water. Watch this.
When he walks out to the water
he goes waist deep and goes like this guy crazy.Hey I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming.
I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard.
I wanna make money he got me in
so he said come on a little further
walked out a little further
then he had it right around this area
the shoulder area
so this old man crazy
he making money but he crazy.
So he said come on out a little further
came out a little further, it was right at his mouth
my man, I’m not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And the old man said:
“I thought you said you wanted to be successful?”
He said: “I do.”
He said: “Then walk a little further.”
He came, dropped his head in, held him down,
hold him down, my man (kept scratching) hold him down,
he had him held down,
just before my man was about to pass out,
he raised him up.
He said: “I got a question for you.”
He told the guy, he said:
“When you want to succeed as bad as
you wanna breathe than you will be successful.”I don’t know how many of you all got asthma here today?
If you ever had a asthma attack before your short of breath S.O.B shortness of breath,
you wheezing (breath sound) the only thing
you trying to do is get some air.
You don’t care about no basketball game,
you don’t care about what’s on T.V.,
you don’t care about nobody calling you,
you don’t care about a party.
The only thing you care about
when you trying to breathe is to get some fresh air.
That’s it!
And when you get to the point
where all you wanna do is
be is successful as bad as
you wanna breathe then you will be successful.
And I’m here to tell you that number one,
most of you say you wanna be successful
but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it.
You don’t want it bad than you wanna party.
You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool.
Most of you don’t want success as much as you want sleep.
Some of you lost sleep more than you lost success.
And I’m here to tell you today,
if your going to be successful
you gotta be willing to give up sleep.
You gotta be willing to work with 3 hours of sleep
2 hours of sleep, if you really wanna be successful.
Some day your gonna have to stay up 3 days in a row.
Because if you go to sleep you might miss
the opportunity to be successful.
That’s how bad you gotta want it.You gotta go days without
You gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat.
Beyonce once said she was on the set doing her thang,
three days had gone by and she forgot that she didn’t eat. Cause she was engaged.
I never forget,
I went, 50 Cent was doing his movie,
I did a little research on 50
and 50 said: that when he wasn’t do the movie he was doing the soundtrack.
And they said: “When do you sleep?” 50,
and 50 said: “Sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke.
I don’t sleep.” See I got an opportunity to make my dream become a reality.
Don’t cry to quits.
You already in pain, you already hurt.
Get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed.
Listen to me,
I’m here to tell you today you can come here and
and you can jump up – you can do flips and you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me,
you will never be successful,
I don’t have to give you a dime if you …
You won’t be successful until you say I don’t need that money cause I got it in here.Only The Strong Survive!
Lessons from How Bad Do You Want It – Part 1
We see in this first video a very energetic, committed and determined Giavanni Ruffin going through his football training paces and really going the extra yard in relation to his training so that he can achieve his goals and be the best that he can be.
The Part 1 video goes for almost 6 minutes in entirety and throughout the video we hear a extraordinary powerful and motivational spoken work from Eric “The Hip Hop Preacher” who tells the story of a young man who is seeking to make money and be successful. The young man in this story meets is intent on making a lot of money and being successful. So he turns to a Guru to seek advice on doing whatever he can to make a lot of money. What happens next is quite unexpected since the Guru tells the young man that if he is serious about learning how to make a lot of money and become successful then he will meet him the next day down at the beach at 4am. The young man turns up in a suit the next day and the Guru teaches him one of the best yet most unexpected lessons of his life on how to become successful.
The Guru tells the young man to walk out into the surf and eventually takes him so far out that he can no longer stand. The Guru holds his head under water and watches as the young man gasps for air in absolute desperation.
One might think that this is some sort of sick joke that the Guru was playing on this young man who just wanted some advice on how to become super successful.
But the BIG lesson that the Guru was teaching the young man was that in order to be successful you need to want it bad. Hence, the title of these videos “How Bad Do You Want It?”.
When you want to succeed as much as you want to breath – that is when you will be prepared to forgo any distractions in life that get in the way of you being able to achieve goals and succeed.
Eric Thomas then gives a couple of great examples of forgoing things in life in order to stay focused on achieving your success. He uses quotes from 50 Cent (the Rapper) and Beyoncé (the Singer) who say that they have found themselves forgetting to sleep and eat due to the fact that they have been so focused on achieving what they have set out to do that nothing else is important to them but what they are doing. They have an opportunity of a life time to do something special and they are NOT going to waste it by worrying about insignificant distractions that could put them off course.
Below you can see the Video and Transcript from the video “How Bad Do You Want It – Part 2?”. This follows on from the Part 1 Video by going deep into pushing you further than what you believe was simply required of you to achieve success from the first video. Part 2 pushes you to the next level and solidifies your commitment to being a better you.
How Bad Do You Want It – Part 2?
Part 2 Speech – Video Transcript:
So you thought it was the end of the story.
So you thought just because the student was willing to be obedient to the guru and not only wake up but meet him at the beach early in the morning.
You thought that was enough.
Ah I got it. So you thought he was willing to walk out to the deep of the ocean that that was enough you because the guru placed his head under the water, pulled it out and taught him that the secret to success is wanting it as bad as you wanna breathe.
So you thought that was the end of the story. You thought that one single event that one single moment was enough for him to stand amongst the greats to make his dream become reality.
Well you thought wrong. In fact, it’s far from over. That was the easy part.Now…Now it’s time to redefine the grind. You thought it was over?
Well it’s just getting started.
See, this is the part. This is the part where life demands you make a life long commitment, this is the part where life demands that you make a vow come hail or high water, that you’re willing to pay the price the full fare where you earn your spot with effort, with sweat, with blood, with tears. And so you say, you want it as bad as you wanna breathe.
Then it’s show time! It’s examination time. It’s time to get tested, to test your will, your endurance, it’s time to test your art, to test your limits. This is the art where you re-invent yourself.Sleep. I don’t sleep.
You thought that was it.
It goes deeper than going without sleep because you might miss the opportunity to succeed.
No, no, no it’s about no days off – no weekends, no holidays, no birthdays. Listen to me! No days off! No half days! No holidays! No snow day! It’s about gaining the competitive edge. It’s about separation.
It’s about separating yourself from the pack, the competition.
It’s about being a little faster, a little stronger.Listen to me.
A little faster than you were last year, last month, last week.
In fact, you gotta be a little faster today than you were yesterday.
And you can’t afford on the road to success, you can’t afford to make excuses.
No excuses when you feel pain. And trust me, you will feel it.
You gotta go deep deep down, beyond, beyond exhaustion, beyond (a workout) and when it’s harder than you imagined it would be, when it takes longer than you thought it would take and when the load is heavy than you thought you could bare and all you wanna do is give up and all you wanna do is give in, when you feel like you’ve given all you got, you gotta take one more step, you gotta run one more lap.You gotta throw one more punch and disregard how much more does it take.
You gotta fight back. You gotta fight a little harder.
You gotta defeat disappointment, annihilate weakness and punish the competition.
It’s about pushing yourself beyond the limits.
It’s about perfecting the you, not just doing more, not just being better but finding your best.
Listen to me…
It’s more than you want it so bad than you wanna breathe that’s not enough, you gotta be willing to face every fear, climb every mountain, defy every odd, on-slot every obstacle, one step at a time, one day at a time, until you – only you are left standing – there’s no one else and there’s nothing in your way.Until you reach the top.
Lessons from How Bad Do You Want It – Part 2
In the sequel to the original “How Bad Do You Want It?” video we see the return of Giavanni Ruffin training the house down with further words of inspiration from Eric “The Hip Hop Preacher” Thomas.
This Part 2 video continues on perfectly from the Part 1 video since it starts off by saying that just because you have taken step 1 from the first video in that ‘you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath’ – well that is great but it’s only the first step.
You thought learning the secret to success was it? Well it ain’t!
Part 2 makes strong reference to Part 1 by basically saying congratulations if you have taken step 1 in learning how to be successful. But the REALITY is that learning the lessons from Part 1 doesn’t mean shit unless you take ACTION.
So it quickly becomes clear that “How Bad Do You Want It – Part 2” inspires you to take the lesson learnt about how to be successful and actually get out there and work for it.
As Eric Thomas says just because you have learnt how to be successful does not put you up there with the GREATS, it’s going to take a lot of hard work, a lot of pain, the ability to go an inch further than the day before and it’s all about “NO DAYS OFF”.
It’s about perfecting you – one step at a time and one day at a time until you reach the top. “IT IS TIME TO REDEFINE THE GRIND!”
Who is Eric Thomas – Motivational Speaker
The no bullshit, in your face and telling you how it is motivational speaker, educator, activist and best selling author, Eric Thomas aka The Hip Hop Preacher.
This is a man who has started from the bottom and climbed his way to the top to become one of the most inspirational people you will come across. Think of a ghetto style Tony Robbins and you got Eric Thomas. As soon as he opens his mouth and begins talking people immediately give their undivided attention to him.
Check out this additional short video below of Eric Thomas doing what he does best:
I have personally obtained some of his books and audio sessions which have really motivated me to take action especially at times when I have felt my lowest and emotionally flat.
My personal favourite is his Secrets to Success DVD.
Click here to see his motivational collection at the ET Inspires Store
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